Check out what's going on at Central Abby, as well as a couple of Northview updates!

June 28 - July 4


This Weekend at Northview

Join us for church this Saturday night at the Central Abby Campus as we continue in the Rebuild sermon series. We'll explore the plans God has in store for His people as He rebuilds our lives in His saving grace.


Children's Ministry is closed this weekend, but it will be back in action next weekend. We look forward to having the kids join us in the service!


Higher Ground Bible Study for middle schoolers will not be running this weekend.


We'll see you at 4:30pm for dinner!    




Join us at 4:30pm in the gym for a delicious meal before the service. 

Invite your friends and neighbours!


At 4:15pm we pray for our campus & our neighbourhood. Join us in the Basement Lounge off of the main foyer.


Check-in for kids ages 6 months through grade 5 begins each weekend at 5:15pm. Want more info? Click here.


The Higher Ground bible study happens every other weekend. Click here for more info. Higher Ground will not be running this weekend!



Church in the Gym Next Weekend!

In an effort to keep everyone as comfortable as possible during the warm summer months, we have made plans to meet for our church service in the air conditioned gym over the summer (at least for the really hot weekends).

Starting next weekend (July 6th), we'll be giving this a try! We will still have dinner in the gym before the service. We'll begin serving the food at 4:15pm, then at about 5:10pm, we'll exit the gym so that our facilities team can change it into our worship space. If you are able and willing, we'd love your help with this part! We'll have a couple people leading the charge with clear instructions. Then, we'll all head back to the gym for our service at 5:30pm!

We thank you in advance for your patience as we find and address any bumps along the way!


"Did You Know" with Darcy

Did you know that this past Tuesday we had our Congregational Meeting? Over 300 people attended to worship, pray, and hear about what God is doing at our church. Elders were reaffirmed, elders leaving the board were thanked, and the new budget was passed. 


However, I think the highlight for most who attended was when we went outside, stood around the outline of the new building, and prayed for God to work in the hearts of people who need Jesus. It was so encouraging to see people praying that the new building would be filled with those who have not yet heard the Gospel. Exciting things are happening in the life of our church!


Well, now you know!


All In Building Update

We have an update for you on the new Worship Center.


Please pray for favour with the City as we have applied for a site development permit which will allow us to start to do the prep work for the building. Final drawings are just being evaluated and then we will apply for the building permit. This has been a long process, but we get one chance to get this right so we want to make sure that we are doing our due diligence. In short, things are progressing and we pray that we will be able to start building in the fall.  

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we look to the future of Northview!


Soccer Camp Volunteers Needed

From July 29th to August 2nd, Northview is hosting a soccer camp in partnership with Athletes in Action. Over 70 kids will attend, and we will teach the basics of soccer as well as share the gospel with the kids. 


This camp is only possible with the help of volunteers! Could this be you? If you enjoy being outside and have a desire for sharing the gospel with our neighbours, fill out the application below. If you'd like to learn more, contact Connor by clicking the button below. No soccer experience is required, but volunteers must be 13 years or older.


Men's & Women's Bible Study - Joshua

After 40 long years of wandering in the wilderness, the next generation of Israelites stands poised at the border of their promised land, directed to go in! Will this new generation, under the leadership of Joshua, follow God more wholeheartedly than their parents? The book of Joshua chronicles their journey into Canaan, where they encounter triumphs and challenges as they seek to fulfill God's promises.


Join us in our Fall and Winter study of Joshua to discover the powerful lessons within this Old Testament book. Together, we will revisit the moments of conquest and settlement and learn how this narrative points us to our ultimate inheritance in Christ.


Our Joshua Bible Study sessions are available Monday nights from 7pm - 9pm and Wednesday morning from 9:15am-11:15am for women's classes, and on Wednesday nights from 7pm - 9pm for men's classes. Learn more and register today by clicking the button! 


Women's Bible Study Precept - Genesis

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis is a book of beginnings. The opening chapters of Genesis teach us powerful truths about God our Creator. We watch Him bring light into the darkness, order out of chaos, and rest after toil - all by the power of His Word. We see the beginning of humanity, made in His image. Genesis holds the keys to understanding the origin of sin and evil, the justice of God’s judgment, and the mercy of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind and hope for a lost and dying world. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, and discover gospel connections that point to our need for a Saviour.


This study is for women only and includes approximately 5 hours of weekly homework, using the Precept Upon Precept curriculum. Our Genesis Precept Study begins on September 19 with two sessions: Monday night from 7pm - 9pm and Thursday morning from 9:30am - 11:30am. Learn more and register today by clicking the link below!


Nepal Highlight Video

In March, Northview sent a team of 10 people to Nepal to trek through the mountains and to pray for and share the gospel with those they met along the way.


To get a glimpse of their journey and gain insight into what they learned, check out the video and write-up on the Global Missions page of our website by clicking the link below!


Weekly Prayer Focus

This weekend we are praying for missionaries Sean and Amy Hildebrand who serve with Multiply in Uganda and are looking forward to going in the fall. Their focus will be on helping local churches and communities become healthy through the training of national leaders. They will be teaching leaders at a Bible school, ministering to healthcare needs, and facilitating sports ministry.


As they prepare to go, pray for them during this time of transition. Pray that they will experience grace and provision and that God will continue to prepare their hearts so they can enter this new ministry with humility, faith, and boldness. Pray for gospel partners who will be excited about what God is doing in Uganda and who will join their team in prayer and support. Click the button below to learn more about their ministry.


Whether you need prayer, have questions, or want to get plugged in, we're here for you! Check out the links below and we would love to connect with you.


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Northview Community Church

32040 Downes Road
Abbotsford, BC Canada

V4X 1X5